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YDKF Episode 240: Country Club Apartments
You are all invited to a party in my first apartment… Country Club Apartments! (Lock your car doors.)
6 thoughts on “YDKF Episode 240: Country Club Apartments”
That was a good Podcast, Flack about the first apartment complex you lived in as well as your job working at pizza restaurant.
I have never lived in an apartment myself. Yet, I had friends that once lived invrious apartments. One of my father’s coworkers once lived in apartment.But he later moved to a house upon getting married and then divorced as time went on.
Flack, I am sorry to hear that your federal position was just cut. Iinw my cousin worked ina federal government in D.C. My cousin worked as an economist at one time. After getting promoted to a management position, my cousin was forced out of his role. This happened in December 2016 or so before the first Trump administration began.
I hope you and your family will be ok, Flack.
That was a good Podcast, Flack. I can see why you liked visiting the Countryside Apartments namely beause it reminded you of yourself and college years.
There was one a video store near my house called Pop N Go, which was not too far from my house. I would go there namely to rent various science fiction and comedy movies when I was in middle school and high school. Sometimes, I would rent Nintendo games there. Pop N Go had a small Nintendo library compared to the Blockbuster video, which was right across the street.
Sadly about 8-9 years upon graduating from college Pop N Go closed up. The neighborhood that
Pop-N-Go was located at had changed. The BlockBuster and the pizza restaurant that were across the street had closed down. There was once an outdoor JCPenny’s, Pacho’s, Big Lots, and a Thrift Store that were right across from the Pop N Go. Sadly, the strip mall was being demolished to make way for a city project.
As time went on, the Pop-N-Go continued to be vandalized. The Pop-N-Go owner refused to update or modernize the store with security.
I winded up buying some movies from Pop-N-Go, namely a used copy of Gladiator.
roboharaPost author
Hey, thanks as always for listening. Just to clarify, my position has not been cut. I am still employed and will hopefully remain so!
I see. I am sorry for the misunderstanding. .I see you are still working. Hopefully, you will remain employed. Cheers!
People evacuating eastern Oklahoma County as fires near homes
I am sorry to hear about the fires that were occurring in eastern Oklahoma city today.
People evacuating eastern Oklahoma County as fires near homes
That was a good Podcast, Flack about the first apartment complex you lived in as well as your job working at pizza restaurant.
I have never lived in an apartment myself. Yet, I had friends that once lived invrious apartments. One of my father’s coworkers once lived in apartment.But he later moved to a house upon getting married and then divorced as time went on.
Flack, I am sorry to hear that your federal position was just cut. Iinw my cousin worked ina federal government in D.C. My cousin worked as an economist at one time. After getting promoted to a management position, my cousin was forced out of his role. This happened in December 2016 or so before the first Trump administration began.
I hope you and your family will be ok, Flack.
That was a good Podcast, Flack. I can see why you liked visiting the Countryside Apartments namely beause it reminded you of yourself and college years.
There was one a video store near my house called Pop N Go, which was not too far from my house. I would go there namely to rent various science fiction and comedy movies when I was in middle school and high school. Sometimes, I would rent Nintendo games there. Pop N Go had a small Nintendo library compared to the Blockbuster video, which was right across the street.
Sadly about 8-9 years upon graduating from college Pop N Go closed up. The neighborhood that
Pop-N-Go was located at had changed. The BlockBuster and the pizza restaurant that were across the street had closed down. There was once an outdoor JCPenny’s, Pacho’s, Big Lots, and a Thrift Store that were right across from the Pop N Go. Sadly, the strip mall was being demolished to make way for a city project.
As time went on, the Pop-N-Go continued to be vandalized. The Pop-N-Go owner refused to update or modernize the store with security.
I winded up buying some movies from Pop-N-Go, namely a used copy of Gladiator.
Hey, thanks as always for listening. Just to clarify, my position has not been cut. I am still employed and will hopefully remain so!
I see. I am sorry for the misunderstanding. .I see you are still working. Hopefully, you will remain employed. Cheers!
People evacuating eastern Oklahoma County as fires near homes
I am sorry to hear about the fires that were occurring in eastern Oklahoma city today.
People evacuating eastern Oklahoma County as fires near homes