One thought on “YDKF Episode 238: Getting Old

  1. Artisian78

    That was a really informative podcast, Flack.

    I can relate to what you were saying in your podcast.
    I really don’t have to take any preventive medication before I go out. But I do have to take some Omperzole for acid reflux. Since I have allergies and asthma, I have to take my nasal spray and inhaler at times.

    But my father takes preventive medication, like Tylenol to prevent experiencing pain from his arthritis.

    I agree that there will be a number of changes in technology due to AI. Yet, I think you were a bit too hard on yourself.

    You can create a type of AI like program of create a randomized program that will select choices for a podcast for you. If not, you can a Micorosoft Excel spreadsheet to do this for you.

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